I was tagged by Becky. I hope you hang in there until the end, its quite the story!!
20 years ago I was...
eight years old and loved to have fun. i loved to go boating, camping and anything outdoors. i loved going to the beach on our family vacations. i was quite the kid trying to sell cars at my parents car lot. i also talked alot. i mean A LOT. imagine that. i loved writing stories and telling them too :)
10 years ago I was...
eighteen years old and a new mommy. i just graduated from high school. sydney was almost five months old and i got to stay home with her. i had so much love and support from my family during this time. we were enjoying a brand new baby girl around the house, all of us. i also had no idea how much i would miss that body.... :)
5 years ago I was...
twenty three years old and had been married for almost a year and a half. i also had another little baby girl, Gracie. she was about seven months old. i was adjusting to two kids and sydney was in kindergarten. i missed having her at home but was so excited for her to be learning new things. i had no idea what kind of time i had back then...
3 years ago I was...
twenty five years old with another new little one, Audrey. she was a year old and not walking or crawling. we were told by doctors that she had a metabolic disease that would ultimately take her life at a young age. it was the hardest year of my life. a lot of appointments, phone calls, research and prayer. but we have an awesome God who performs miracles and who holds us through it all. we later found out they could find nothing wrong with her on further testing. praise Him.
So far this year I...
moved into our dream home!! i still do medical transcription from home. i went to denver for three weeks with colton for intense medical treatment. a life changing experience for my whole family. i have been busier than ever and have really tried to step back and enjoy our busy life. i know it will not slow down and i am going to miss these times with my family!!
Yesterday I...
went to costco. started a new book. had intentions to get a lot more done than i did. colored with gracie. was thankful i stopped and took the time with just her. (syd was gone and the others were down for a nap)
Tomorrow I will...
get sydney off to a camping trip with her aunt and uncle. hopefully finally make it to a fruit stand. maybe unpack some boxes. wash the car.
Next year I will...
take a small trip with dusty, we need a yearly trip away. be closer to God. be landscaping my yard. have my house unpacked :)